To put it simply, email marketing is any form of marketing done via electronic mail communication. This method of marketing is one of the oldest online marketing forms that have existed since the Internet came into being.
How Email Marketing is Used
Email marketing takes several forms:
· When a business sends emails to build and maintain a relationship with existing or former customers, it's a form of email marketing. The aim of this business practice is to enhance customer loyalty in order to ensure that the target audience becomes repeat customers.
· Email marketing is also used when a business entity sends out emails to potential customers in order to persuade them to buy products available for sale.
· A company can also market through email via other companies. In this case, the company in question can append its adverts onto the email communications sent by other business companies to their own customers.
Major Condition for Email Marketing Success
The major condition for the success of any email marketing endeavor involves obtaining the contacts of the target audience. Before a business sends a marketing email, it has to identify the destination. The challenge here lies in making sure that the intended recipients provide a personal email address to the company that intends to do the marketing.
The Importance of Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most important forms of marketing when compared to other online and traditional marketing methods. There are many reasons as to why email marketing still remains a popular way to market products or services.
1. Cost Effectiveness
Email marketing is relatively cheap. Many emailing platforms are free. With the right marketing message, businesses can therefore reach their target audience without paying a cent. In addition, they do not have to pay for printing, addressing, and mailing. This form of online marketing can be very useful for businesses that have a limited sales and marketing budget.
2. Versatility & Measurability
Email marketing campaigns can be segmented based on the product, marketing goals, and the target audience demographic. Each email meant for marketing can be personalized based on the needs of the target audience in each segment.
Email marketing campaigns can therefore be tracked and measured by the businesses that implement them. This makes it easy for the businesses to adjust their marketing efforts based on the response rates of the recipients. The businesses in question can then go back to the drawing board and come up with new marketing campaigns that are more effective.
3. Higher Returns on Investments (ROI)
The more specific a marketing campaign is, the higher the positive response a business should expect. Since email marketing is highly specific, the email recipients are more likely to respond as expected. This leads to an overall increase in sales and revenues generated through this marketing method.
In addition, the cost of marketing through email is very low, resulting in higher profit margins. All in all, it contributes to a higher return on investments.
There is no doubt that email marketing offers great potential to businesses looking to generate higher sales and revenues. The important thing is for such businesses to create highly targeted emails that show up when the intended recipient is likely to be awake. It is also important for the target audience to opt in to receive the emails from the companies in question. That way, the rejection rate for the business emails will be much lower.