The Internet is a vast pool that's swimming with all sorts of content, and if you're a content provider, then you're basically competing with everyone else for clicks, traffic, and your audience's attention. When a reader lands on your page, your goal should be to make them stay, compel them to go back, and persuade them to share your posts.
But you can't do that if you're giving them mediocre content that makes them go, “meh”, close the tab, and move on to the next website. That's the last thing you want to happen and your priority should be to keep your bounce rate to a minimum.
If you want to pique people’s interest, you need add some oomph to your content. Here are three tricks to help you do exactly that.
1. Spice up your title
This is your content's hook and you need to get your readers’ attention with a few words. So how can you do that? Try using numbers on your titles.
For instance, instead of just using a plain title like, “Tips on How to Survive your First Day at Work”, why not play it up a little and use “10 Ways to Rock your First Day at Work”.
When you use numbers in your titles, you are also giving your content a structure that’s easier to digest for your audience. Meaning, it would be less boring, but would be simpler for you to create because the direction of your article is made clear to the reader.
Adding a bit of suspense can also work. Here are a few title examples that I’m sure you’ve seen around the Web lately:
· When a man told his dog to look at the camera, he never expected this
· This lady was having an ordinary day until…
· This girl used red lipstick to cover her dark circles and the results are unbelievable
However, this titling trick can backfire on you if you’re not careful. If you’re trying this method out, make sure that your content will live up to its title. Don’t say that your readers’ mind will be blown if your content contains anything that is less than 'mind-blowing'.
2. Always focus on providing solutions.
Magazines that sell like hotcakes and high-traffic websites have one thing in common: they offer content and solutions that their niche can relate to.
Focus on providing them tips and how-tos that can help your market solve problems that they face each day. It doesn't have to be very broad. In fact, you can focus on one specific problem.
For instance, if your blog is about personal finance, don't just give your audience an article on ways to save. Dig deeper and give them content as specific as how they can make their last $100 last until the next payday.
3. Make it relatable
Your audience are comprised of real people who have real problems and experiences. That's one important thing you need to keep in mind when creating content for the web.
Some of the most viral content I've seen don't actually provide solutions, but talk about an experience that people can relate to. Here are some examples:
· 5 Problems That only Long-haired Girls Will Understand
· 8 Struggles that Only People who Wear Glasses Go Through
· 10 Things that Happen Once You Reach 29
These three tricks don’t work by themselves. Great Web content is always founded on research. So go out there. Hone your skills, expand your knowledge, and get involved in the community to know what your audience wants. After you’ve done your homework, that’s when you can go about creating your content with these tricks in mind. That is the formula to making excellent Web content that your audience would not be able to resist.