Freelancer: level08
Report Entry

Book Covers

Hi again. I think your update helped my original design. My thought was to have the girls on the ground head to head. We it seemed to me the girl upside-down was going to seem less important. But... now that they each have a side. I'm thinking just flip the girls and wah-lah. i added a hopscotch game to help sell that they are on the ground. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

Contest Entry #42 for                                                 Children's Book Cover Art

Public Clarification Board

  • level08
    • 9 years ago

    Let me know if you would like to see anything different, or thoughts you feel would make this better. Thanks.

    • 9 years ago
    1. InTheWorks
      Contest Holder
      • 9 years ago

      I really like the concept- this would make the 2 versions so clear. Thank you for your submission.

      • 9 years ago