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Renaming Hire Me projects

Hire Me projects which are created when clients directly hiring a freelancer have a default title of Project for [first name of the freelancer]. The default title, however, can be modified by the client, while the freelancer can request for it to be changed. Changing the title of a Hire Me project will make it easier for both the freelancer and client to identify projects they have worked on.

For Clients

You have the option to change the title of your Hire Me project without your freelancer’s consent. It can be done in two (2) ways: 

1. For projects that are to be awarded/created, indicate your preferred project name in the Hire Me form found in the freelancer’s profile before clicking Hire [freelancer’s name].
hire me

2.  For projects awaiting acceptance, you can edit the title, description and skills through the pencil icon* in the Details tab of your project. Simply click it to enable editing.

hire me 2
*The pencil icon will disappear once the project has been accepted or rejected by your freelancer.

For Freelancers

Once you accept an awarded Hire Me project, you will have the option to request to rename its title.

1. Under the Details tab of the project, click the pencil icon* beside the project title.
2. Enter your preferred project title.
3. Click Send Request.


You will receive a newsfeed and email notification when your request is approved or rejected.

*The pencil icon will disappear once your request is sent to the client, giving you only one chance to send a title rename request per Hire Me project.


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