The Mall Folio

by chelseanicole
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A requirement for English 11 (2011-2012, Sem 1). Panels: Size/Layout: Letter, two-sided, magazine Contents: Text, Image Software: Photoshop, MS Publisher

image of username chelseanicole Flag of Philippines Malolos City, Philippines

About Me

o Scholar, BS Chemistry - Materials Science & Engineering. o Philippine Science High School - Main Campus graduate, batch 2011. o Beautique D' Missy's resident designer. Look at her design & layout services, and Avail them at competitive prices because You don't have to spend much to Outshine your competitors through Unique, customized promotional materials That very well represents you AND Design and layout, according to your expectations Establish corporate identity Stand out from competitors Improve customer relations Give out quality promotional materials Notify and communicate visually

$7 USD/hr

