We are Experience With working with Maximum Bpo Works

by Deerock
We are Experience With working with Maximum Bpo Works

We have our Own call center with 60 seats set up .We are currently working with US and UK companies with Good Relations From last some month and we have IT Solutons as Well .Means Client Have all the requirment Fullfill at one roof like KPO,BPO

image of username Deerock Flag of India Surat, India

About Me

MASCOT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (MCS) certified ISO 9001-2000 company with completes human resource solutions. Established in 2010, MCS provides right candidate in the right place at right time for its clients. We at MCS, make our clients more efficient in the areas of human capital administration and management, by providing quality Solutions. MCS not just provides assistance in recruiting staff and in training employee, but also create new plan and implement marketing strategies,Research,Virtual assistant that would bring more business and capital to the organization.

$8 USD/hr