LOGO - Latitude Outdoor

by EspacioSinapsis
LOGO - Latitude Outdoor

ENGLISH ABOUT THE CLIENT Latitude Outdoor is a new company of outdoor clothes which needed the design of a logo, hangtags and a magazine advert to represent its adventurous spirit. LOGO - FIGURES AND SHAPES The aim above the word "Latitude" was to design a figure that refers to outdoors activities in a simple way but with strength and energy, giving birth to the mountain's shape In addition, the name of the brand in the middle gives the feeling of being the way for the conquest of the mountain showed in the background. The curved line located at the bottom represents the horizon which can be reached undertaking the adventure with Latitude Outdoor's clothing. TIPOGRAPHY The font used to reflect the adventurous spirit the brand needed to communicate required to be dynamic, and with an energetic attitude. For this reason, the choosen typography needed to show all of these characteristics to communicate the concept of Latitude Outdoor.

image of username EspacioSinapsis Flag of Uruguay Montevideo, Uruguay

About Me

ESPAÑOL Hola! Bienvenido a Espacio Sinapsis Permítanos presentarnos... Somos un equipo de personas formadas en áreas de marketing, comunicación, publicidad, diseño gràfico, programación, animación y edición de video. Nadie queda afuera, todos contribuimos en el proceso creativo generando un espacio sináptico en donde nuestra sinergia es clave para generar las mejores soluciones a nuestros clientes. Partiendo del concepto principal, exploramos y desarrollamos ideas profundizando en los más mínimos detalles dando como resultado trabajos únicos y personalizados. Estamos convencidos de la calidad de nuestro servicio ya que cada uno de nosotros colabora para obtener las mejores soluciones a sus necesidades comunicacionales. Esperando ser un efectivo aliado en su emprendimiento Saluda atentamente El equipo de ESPACIO SINAPSIS ENGLISH Hello! Let us introduce ourselves. We are team of people trained in areas such as marketing, communication, creative advertising, graphic design, programming, animation and video editing. Nobody is out, we all contribute in this creative process generating a unique synaptic space where our synergy is the key to generate the best solutions to our customers. Starting from the main concept, we develop and explore ideas till the mallest of the details, giving as a result unique and customized works. We are convinced in the quality of our services because each of us colaborates in order to obtain the best solution to your communication needs. Regards, The team of Espaciosinapsis

$15 USD/hr

