
by medhavi1990
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I am working as a Software Testing Engineer and a Testing / QA Specialist. -Manual Testing, -Test Planning, -Testcase Design, -Test Execution I also have experienced Copy Typing Freelancer looking to be hired. For the past few years I have worked in the areas of Copy Typing, Data Entry and Excel for many employers and companies around the world I have a strong foundation in these areas.

image of username medhavi1990 Flag of Sri Lanka Moronthuduwa, Sri Lanka

About Me

I am working as a Software Testing Engineer and a Testing / QA Specialist.I also have experienced Copy Typing Freelancer looking to be hired. For the past few years I have worked in the areas of Copy Typing, Data Entry and Excel for many employers and companies around the world I have a strong foundation in these areas. Throughout my career If my qualifications are suitable for you, please consider me for your next job or project.

$3 USD/hr

