Work done or ongoing

by nancydhiman
Work done or ongoing

ON GOING PROJECTS: 1. Online Pay Role Management It provide the facility to the employees online. Leave management online. Attendance online. 2. Multi-threaded server in grid computing Our server is stealing the client's CPU cycle to enhance the performance of the server. 3. Mail express Sytem It is a application in which user can send or receive email from various domains. Even a user can save the email into the database. It is similar to the outlook express provided by Microsoft 4. Conversion of XMI to Normal text It is a tool which converts the XMI code to normal text and it have also facility to save the normal text into the hard disk. 5. Expert System to detect various skin diseases In this system a user can upload his/her skin disease and then get the appropriate symptoms and remedies about the disease also 6. Expert system to detect plant disease In this expert system a farmer can get the image from the field by the cameras then uploa

image of username nancydhiman Flag of India Chandigarh, India

About Me

Research Web-Tech Pvt. Ltd. is a Web/Software solution company. It was established in 2007. Since 5 years company is dealing with many projects based on Web Development, Web Designing, Software Development, Thesis Development and Android/Smart Phone Application Development. Company is having expertise manpower that work on these projects. The key skills of the company are: o Commitment to its clients to deliver the project on time. o Company believes that the project must be achieved in harmony with the Environment. For more queries you can visit company's website i.e. [login to view URL]

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