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Digital Marketing Author, Speaker & Consultant

$350 USD / Hour
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United States (10:46 AM)
Joined on April 23, 2021
$350 USD / Hour
Neal Schaffer is an authority on helping innovative businesses digitally transform their sales and marketing. Founder of the digital marketing consultancy PDCA Social, Neal is currently a Fractional CMO for several companies and also teaches executives digital marketing at Rutgers Business School and the Irish Management Institute. He is also the author of four sales and marketing books, including Maximize Your Social (Wiley) and the recently published The Age of Influence (HarperCollins Leadership), a ground-breaking book redefining digital influence. Listen to Neal's Maximize Your Social Influence for weekly marketing inspiration.
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How Freelancers and Small Businesses Can Best Manage Digital Marketing Spend
How Freelancers and Small Businesses Can Best Manage Digital Marketing Spend
April 23, 2021
If you want to grow your business you need digital marketing. But digital marketing can be expensive. Here are tips on how to best manage your spend.
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