Business Republic Promotional Video

by nicbaldinu
Business Republic Promotional Video

"Business Republic" is a total business creation solutions company based in NYC. I shot this promotional video during a live event they did in Dubai for its founding director. Take a quick look at how Business Republic loves to share what it does best; inspire people to make their passion their business. Shot and edited by Nicole Baldinu.

image of username nicbaldinu Flag of United States New York, United States

About Me

[login to view URL] [login to view URL] I am a recent graduate of the New York Film Academy, NYC specializing in digital filmmaking. Originally from Sydney, Australia with an [login to view URL], I took a leap into filmmaking after over 10 years in English education in Australia, Japan and Dubai, U.A.E. Drawing upon education, cross-cultural experiences and extensive travel (240 cities, 25 countries), I find that there is a story to be told at every turn. I take my camera everywhere I go. I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II, record using a H4N zoom recorder, and edit using Final Cut Pro X on my MacBook Pro. Over the last 6 months I have directed, shot and edited documentary film, music film and corporate promotional/marketing videos both in New York City and Dubai. I produce professional, high-quality videos from pre-post production. I have hands on experiences in shooting digital video; utilizing professional lighting and sound equipment; and editing with Final Cut Pro X and some experience with Adobe Premiere software. I have been praised for my editing skills as well a fast, efficient and professional work flow. Clients have also been very happy with my camera work and artistic direction. I am fluent in English and Italian, with a good knowledge of Spanish and French. Other skills: Writing, Research, Social Media, Microsoft Suite.

$25 USD/hr