Grim-ajax project
by pman2103

+Use JfreeChart to Draw Chart and save as PNG image in special folder(Can be 6 kind of Chart : BarChart,LineChart, PercentilesChart,PieChart,RadarChart,ScartterChart depended on the request from client) +DWR ajax framwork convert GraphService to javaScript in client and end user can be choosen any kind of image he expected +Client load Image in special folder
About Me
SharePoint, Javacript,C#',JAI image I/0(Java library),PDF box,JFreeChart,Seasar2,DWR,S2dao,qooxdoo ajax, PHP,RPC,My SQL,GWT, Hibernate, Jasper Report,SQL,Oracle,swing application,My SQL,strut1, VB6 visit My website : [login to view URL] for more detail
$3 USD/hr