sour tamarind and mesmerizing memories

Sour tamarind and mesmerizing memories Childhood memories mesmerize me. I am too much sentimental and my heart pumps more emotions rather than blood. I don't know really in which world I dwell. Perhaps, my world is the third word of The Third level. I would like to be enthralled and would like to give words to the emotions which are bubbling up in me like pop-ups on the websites. I am too bad in making false stories, so the incidents described me are really true, even a single word is not added intentionally.alt So let`s begin with the sweet memory of sour tamarind. My papa is there in my memories as a dictator and nature lover too. My father was really an angry young man (now old man of 67). When I was 13 years old, I was stepping into adolescence. Urge of eating sour used to dominant my taste. I liked to eat raw mangoes and tamarind, those days. My father was working as a cloth merchant and hi
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My published fiction..Return of Kaali has created sensation among young readers, I on my own level have sold nearly 987 books till now.
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