Solomon Boneyard is a amazing Endless game. Young Solomon Dark has been disturbing graves near the hamlet of Dead Hawg. Destroy this fledgling dark lord before he stumbles onto real power. Solomon's Boneyard combines the gameplay of Solomon's Keep with the action of a survival shooter.
About Me
I have experiences in various Mobile Game framework including *Cocos2D, *Box2D, *OpenGL, *Corona, *Unity3D, *Game Center, *Open feint, *iAd, *In-App Purchase, *Multiplayer Game. *All Advertisement(TapJoy, BcfAds, Apsalar, ChartBoost, Flurry, AirShip, Sponsorpay, Mobclix ) I also have some experience in the following areas: *SQLite, *Ajax, *Web Service, *Social Network - Facebook, *Twitter, *Google API, *Audio Streaming. And I have full experience in iPhone/iPod/iPad (both for App and Game), Android *MonoTouch, *SenchaTouch, *Titanium, *Phonegap, *PHP, *HTML and MySQL. If you are expecting such words as "High Quality", "Clean Code", "In-Time Delivery" I would be the right person.
$75 USD/hr