by umerisb

I have a bachelor's degree in Electronic engineering with majors in telecom, controls engineering and micro-electronics. After graduating I have taught MATLAB at under grad level for 3 semesters. I have done numerous projects in image compression, signal processing, optimization algorithms like 'Ant Colony' and 'Genetic Algorithms', FIR and IIR filter design and control systems. I can offer help with MATLAB's scripting, GUI and Simulink.

image of username umerisb Flag of Germany Mars, Germany

About Me

If you are working on signal or image processing, mathematical modeling or simulation, control systems or artificial intelligence; MATLAB is the tool you should be looking for. Although it is very easy to learn MATLAB and no other tool can beat MATLAB in its user friendliness, still, if anyone needs any help, am more than happy to assist. Challenge is what motivates me. So, if you have unusual requirements on your project e.g if you want a 'loop-free' code or you have restrictions on memory usage or you are working under tight budget and short deadline then you don't need to look for another expert.

$10 USD/hr