Shanghai Saftly

by xt851231
Shanghai Saftly

An emergency reference guide and speed dial for emergency services in Shanghai including Police, Fire, First Aid, Information, Hospitals, Medical Services, Chemist/Pharmacies, Embassies, Airports, and Dentists.

image of username xt851231 Flag of China Shanghai, China

About Me

T-REX DIGITAL (T-Rex) is a Shanghai based development and publishing house for next generation mobile applications, games, and software with its holding company in Hong Kong and office in Shanghai, China. Our management team is comprised of veteran game developers and publishers with between 12 to 18 years' experience in leading Western and Chinese gaming companies including Electronic Arts (EA), Shanda Games, THQ, Relic Studios, and Optic. Collectively we've worked on more than 60 projects over the past two decades with game sales and users in excess of 100 million people globally combined.

$100 USD/hr