This application for Songs CD Collection. The one of feature in this as replacement baby name by Elmo. User can make personalized CD with any baby names.
About Me
<span>I have over all 6 years experience in Website development and still continue I am giving service in this area. I provide the all development service using PHP, WORDPRESS,JOOMLA, Drupal. I am also interesting to take maintains type project for resolving existing bugs. As requirement of my client I also provide the team work as well as free lancer. we provide QA/Test Services with our development thats why we commit 100% quality in our applications. Our special feature is to provide 40 Hours free maintenance for resolving issues & Bug fixing. Expertise Areas: PHP on L</span><span exttxt=\"AMP and WAMP servers Javascript, AJAX. jQuery HTML,ASP.NET Smarty Joomla, OSCommerce, WordPress, CakePHP SQL, MS Access, MySQL, Oracle ZEND FRAME WORK CODIGNITER(MVC) OPENSOURCE Drupal\" class=\"profile_ext\">... </span>Â <a class=\"profileToggle\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\">Read more</a>
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