Digital marketing has recently taken on a new dimension, thanks to the possibilities that are made available by today's trends and technologies. Digital marketing is starting to edge out traditional marketing methods as the best way to connect with prospects and convert online audiences to buying customers. Competition is rife in almost all industries, and it most especially applies to sales and marketing operations, where only the best survive to make the next sale. In this regard, you have to explore all available avenues to sell and record some profit lest you are pushed out of the market.
Social media is currently the number one way people connect, and with the increase in the number of social media users, we should expect more innovations with the way people do business on these online platforms. It is therefore paramount that companies and individual entrepreneurs invest heavily in social media marketing, and learn how to use it to grow their market-bases. Those who understand how it can help businesses can tap into the vibrant social media communities scattered across a number of popular platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
In case you have yet to explore the potential of social media marketing, maybe you should go through the following facts, because figures don’t lie:
· More than 1 million small and medium sized businesses use Facebook to advertise their content on more than 500,000 Facebook pages that promote posts
· Samsung spends in excess of $100 milion on Facebook Advertising annually
· YouTube is projected to generate up to $5.6 Billion in gross revenue in 2016
· Twitter records 81% of its advertising revenue from Mobile users while Facebook banks 59% of the same from mobile
· Instagram is the fastest growing social network site
To many budding marketers, finding a market is no longer a hassle. Did you know that the number of social media users around the world is estimated to hit a whopping 2.13 billion by 2016? As you ponder over that number and plan to consider the value of social media marketing, here are some of the common marketing mistakes that you should steer away from:
1. Posting self-centered content
We understand you are in business, and you have to get your products to the prospects. However, just because someone connects with you on social media, that doesn’t mean that you should post all your products or services in a day. This is a common social media marketing mistake amongst budding and ambitious marketers. Break the ice, post an interesting blog, or share a joke about an issue of common interest as opposed to the usual obsession with selling.
2. Irregular postings or spamming
Don’t flood your profile with posts. It doesn’t matter if you are running a promotion that can win everyone a piece of heaven – just try to be realistic and give your community a break to concentrate on the other things in their lives. Flooding people’s inboxes, tagging them on photos, spamming their timelines/walls with promotional content is not only irritating, but will definitely kill your social media marketing campaign long before you reap the benefits. Do this enough and people will tune you out by either marking your content as spam, blocking them, or by hitting the "unfollow" button.
3. Failing to plan
This is very common for small business owners who have to singlehandedly handle all the aspects of their businesses. In as much as there are some posts that don’t require any planning, serious social media marketers carefully plan what to post, at what time and where. In fact, you must carefully consider this if you opt for a paid advertising service on any of the networks. Fail to plan and you risk watching your money blow up in smoke.
4. Failure to improve on content after it has been posted
Digital marketing and advertising is very flexible. You can always modify your content even after it has been posted to make it deliver the originally-intended message better. Therefore, it would be a mistake to post something and forget about it even after fails to trigger the response you were initially expecting. Feel free to modify your content.
5. Poor targeting
Communication is only considered complete after you deliver your message and get the resulting feedback. This means that, if you're aiming your social media marketing message at the wrong people, you are unlikely to get any feedback or response. The same goes for when you send the wrong message to the right audience. You should understand your audience and craft content based on that for the best results. Having a huge social media following doesn’t guarantee success in your marketing efforts.
These are only some of the many social media marketing mistakes most marketers commit. Learn to steer clear from them if you want to realize your marketing objectives.